Primary Admission
Folkestone Primary Admission Contact
Email :
Telephone: 01303 842400
Please read our Admissions Policy under the policies tab for all information regarding selection criteria, over-subscription, our PAN and priority applications.
For admissions into Reception parents and carers are required to complete an application form known as the “Common Application Form” (CAF) through Kent County Council. This can be found by clicking here for the Kent County Council ‘Applying for a School’ web page which also provides other key information on both primary and secondary school admissions. Forms should be submitted in accordance with the LA’s published deadlines for applications.
In Year Admission – How to Apply
If you are looking for a place at Folkestone Primary because you have recently moved into the area, or your child is at another school and you feel that a change of school would benefit their education and/or general well being, you are entitled to apply for a school place. Please contact the school office to request an In-Year Admissions Form or download a copy (below). This form must be completed and returned to the school office.