Primary Uniform:
Long or short sleeved pale blue shirt
Clip on school tie (Years R-4). Regular style tie Years 5 & 6
Navy blue tank top or gong sleeve navy blue pullover or cardigan with logo
Charcoal grey trousers, box pleated charcoal grey skirt (not a straight skirt) or charcoal grey pinafore dress.
Reversible waterproof/fleece, navy with logo for Foundation Stage and KS1 (optional)
Navy knee high socks if a skirt is worn or charcoal grey or navy socks with trousers
Black school shoes (no trainers)
Book Bag with logo (Year R)
Mid blue gingham or striped dresses may be worn with white ankle socks in Summer terms 5 and 6
Children may wear their own choice of winter coat
Children may wear one pair of small stud earrings and a watch, but no other jewellery is permitted. Please note earrings must be removed for PE lessons
Children are not permitted to wear make-up or nail varnish
Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.
Uniform that has a Academy logo needs to be purchased from Trutex Direct.
PE Kit
For health and safety reasons it is important that children are properly dressed for any physical activity.
Our uniform for PE is as follows:
White T-Shirt
Navy blue shorts
Black plimsolls
Shoe bag which can hang on cloakroom peg
No jewellery or metal hair slides are allowed for PE.
Where children have pierced ears, ear studs only are permitted. Earrings should not be worn to school on PE days or worn during PE lessons because of the risks involved in games and PE (Micropore tape is no longer recommended as a means of covering jewellery). The wearing of jewellery of any kind is not allowed in the interests of safety.
PE kits should be kept in school and returned home for washing at weekends and holidays.
Hair Styles
Hair styles must be reasonable and in sympathy with our school uniform. Extreme colours, spikes, shaving or sculpting is not considered suitable for school. Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons.
Lost Property
We encourage and expect children to look after their uniform and their belongings. Each class has a lost property box which class monitors check at the end of every day to return named property.
Personal Property including Mobile Phones
We request that children do not bring expensive personal property to school. Folkestone Primary does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage however caused. Mobile phones are not needed in school and should not be brought to school. If there is a strong reason as to why a child needs to bring a mobile phone to school on occasion, the phone must be handed in to the school office before 8:45am and will be returned to your child at 3:15pm.
Our uniform is provided in partnership with Trutex Direct, a supplier of school uniform to many schools and colleges within the UK.
For further information please refer to our Uniform policy.

A copy of our School Uniform Policy can be found on our Policies page.