
Primary Uniform:

Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.

Uniform that has a Academy logo needs to be purchased from Trutex Direct.

PE Kit

For health and safety reasons it is important that children are properly dressed for any physical activity.

Our uniform for PE is as follows:

PE kits should be kept in school and returned home for washing at weekends and holidays.

Hair Styles

Hair styles must be reasonable and in sympathy with our school uniform. Extreme colours, spikes, shaving or sculpting is not considered suitable for school. Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons.

Lost Property

We encourage and expect children to look after their uniform and their belongings.  Each class has a lost property box which class monitors check at the end of every day to return named property.

Personal Property including Mobile Phones

We request that children do not bring expensive personal property to school. Folkestone Primary does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage however caused. Mobile phones are not needed in school and should not be brought to school.  If there is a strong reason as to why a child needs to bring a mobile phone to school on occasion, the phone must be handed in to the school office before 8:45am and will be returned to your child at 3:15pm.

Our uniform is provided in partnership with Trutex Direct, a supplier of school uniform to many schools and colleges within the UK.

2024 PDF Brochure for Folkestone Primary.pdf

A copy of our School Uniform Policy can be found on our Policies page.