
The RE curriculum at Folkestone Primary has been designed to provide students with a deep understanding and appreciation of the major world religions, their beliefs, practices and values. Our RE curriculum is designed to engage students in meaningful and relevant discussions, activities and experiences that foster their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Following the National Curriculum, we aim to ensure that students acquire a sound knowledge and understanding of world religions. We use the PlanBee Religious Education Scheme of Learning, which provides a rich and diverse curriculum that reflects the cultural and religious diversity of our school community. 

Our RE curriculum is planned to be progressive, building on prior learning and experiences, and to encourage students to reflect on their own experiences, thoughts, and feelings. We aim to develop students’ critical thinking and enquiry skills, encouraging them to ask questions and to explore the meaning and significance of religious beliefs, teachings and practices.

Throughout their time in primary school, students will have opportunities to participate in a range of learning experiences, including visits to places of worship, meetings with visitors from different faith communities and opportunities to engage in practical and creative activities. These experiences will enable students to deepen their understanding of religion and spirituality and to appreciate the richness and diversity of different traditions.

Our RE curriculum is designed to foster respect for others and to encourage students to engage with people from different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. We aim to develop students’ understanding of religious diversity, and to challenge stereotypes and promote positive relationships and mutual respect.



Pupils are able to articulate their understanding through a range of tasks including role play, mind maps and creative writing tasks. Teachers use their own formative assessments throughout the term to identify whether pupils have met, exceeded, or failed to meet the desired learning intentions for that unit of work. There is an opportunity to address misconceptions through feedback marking and ‘Do Now’ tasks at the start of a lesson. Recall activities to embed pupils' knowledge of different religions and opportunities for children to apply their knowledge are provided, using ‘Four from before’ at the beginning of each lesson.