Coronavirus Information

Coronavirus Update

Google Classroom

If you are having trouble logging in to Google Classroom, please contact the main office and they will be able to reset your password:

If you are having trouble accessing the work with your child, please contact your child's class teacher directly on the Google Classroom.

Here are two user guides to help you log-in to Google Classroom, and submit your child's work:

Coronavirus Update: FAQ for Parent & Carers

What measurements have been put in place, to ensure the safety of my child?


Process for Communicating a Confirmed Covid Case

In the event of there being a confirmed Covid-19 case at Folkestone Primary, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Based on guidance from Public Health England, the school will identify pupils that need to self-isolate and will remove them from class as quickly as possible. They will be taken to an area in the school where they will be socially distanced until they are able to leave the building.

  2. The parents of pupils who need to self-isolate will be contacted to inform them that their child needs to go home immediately. A letter with further information about the isolation requirements will also be emailed to parents.

  3. Parents arriving to collect their child should queue outside the reception area, a member of staff will be ready to bring your child to you.